If youve searched for a quality home on the water without the high taxes, here you go! Perched above the channel and loon lake island where the does go to have their fawns! wildlife abounds here! watch the bald eagles land in your tree! You have your own boardwalk dock to park your boat and just a short trip out to the main body of the lake for a pontoon ride a paddle boat jaunt or to go out to fish, ski, jet ski, swim, you name it! you have access to this pristine 417 acre all sports deep spring fed lake! Inside the home you will have a master br suite with newly updated bath and walk in closet , kitchen liv rm din room kitchen combo all with great view! entry way and utility rm, 1/2 bath all on main floor!and attached 2 car garage! lower walk out level is place for family room, 3bedrooms total,possible space to use as 4th bedroom in lower walkout level.! , full bath and a family and room office, and mechanical room. walks out to a covered patio and a great spot to watch the birds. newer home with maint free vinyl exterior. great windows, energy efficient living for year round enjoyment at the lake! tons of storage. and to top off the perfection newer shingles! now have years of worry free enjoyment in this impeccably maintained home! newer furnace now hooked up to money saving nat gas! central air, new gas water heater.hig speed internet, paved road. cement drive! great neighborhood! Secluded, peaceful dead end road for privacy.great treed lot!